Le Mémorial de Caen

to 22.8 Km in our area
A poignant and very complete museum which explains with great pedagogy the causes and the course of the Second World War. The chronological journey immerses the visitor from 1918 to the present day, thus enlightening him and making him reflect on the sequence of events. "A City of History for Peace" which is recommended to everyone (children from 9-10 years old).
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to 22 Km in our area
Fondée au 11ème siècle par Guillaume Le Conquérant (roi de France et roi d'Angleterre), cette splendide abbaye mêle architecture romane, choeur de style gothique et classicisme des logis conventuels du 18ème siècle. Son immense nef aux arcades en plein cintre abrite le tombeau de Guillaume Le Conquérant. U vrai chef d'oeuvre architectural qui abrite aujourd'hui l'hôtel de ville et se visite -si possible- avec un guide pour avoir toutes les clefs de son histoire passionnante.
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Cimetière Américain de Normandie

to 43.2 Km in our area
We come here to understand, to remember, to thank... 9388 bodies rest in this American military cemetery bequeathed in perpetual concession to the United States. It is one of 25 American burial sites on foreign soil. Inaugurated in 1956, the American cemetery of Colleville-Sur-Mer receives more than a million visitors each year. At the entrance to the cemetery, a "visitor center" allows you to better understand the events of June 1944, an essential visit! What emotion then when you discover, dominating the bloody and superb beach of Omaha , these thousands of perfectly aligned and maintained graves! All adorned with a white marble cross or Star of David, they face west, towards the American Motherland. At the start of the day, you can watch the raising of the American colors. The emotion is at its peak...
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Musée de la Tapisserie de Bayeux

to 30.2 Km in our area
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Musée du Débarquement

to 35.8 Km in our area
Located in Arromanches, in front of the remains of the artificial port, this museum retraces its entire construction. In addition to the many models and the diorama, we do not miss the archival film produced by the British Admiralty.
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Site de la Batterie Allemande

to 37.2 Km in our area
Cette batterie de défense côtière fut l'un des principaux ouvrages du Mur de l'Atlantique. C'est surtout l'un des rares éléments encore intact ! On peut en voir le poste de commandement de tir et 4 casemates abritant chacune une pièce d'artillerie de 150mm.
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